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Featured on Martha Stewart Weddings, Washingtonian Weddings, Engaged Magazine and many other print and online publications, Margo has become known for customizing events and adding her distinguishing style (classic elegance with a splash of color).

Follow Friday: Siena Wellness

With the New Year, many of us make goals and plans to be healthier, less stressed and more successful.  Personally, I always feel better and have more energy to accomplish my goals when I’m eating right and exercising throughout the week.  It’s not always easy; work and life get in the way and our health and wellness becomes less a priority as we get farther from January 1st.  Today I’m featuring Elizabeth Hubley, of Siena Wellness, who works to help others live happy and healthy lifestyles. Elizabeth is a holistic health coach and yoga instructor who works with clients individually, as well as in small groups; in addition to her wellness programs, she shares great inspiration and recipes on her website!

Meet Elizabeth: I grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland and remember picking raspberries in our back yard as a kid – tasting the fresh, sun-ripened fruit was the true meaning of summer. When I moved to New York City and couldn’t find an apartment with a raspberry bush, I started a farm-to-school vegetable market program, connecting low-income immigrants to fresh, local produce. Yearning for more nature, I left for Costa Rica and worked as a vegetarian cook and yoga teacher at a sustainable education center. Love drew me back to the DC area where I am sharing my passion for food, sustainability, and living a happy and passionate life.
Siena Wellness is my little way of changing the world – inspiring people to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives that positively impact the world we share. In my holistic health programs, we work on incorporating fresh, healthy foods into daily meals – from how to shop for produce to preparing delicious and easy recipes. For brides this is a great way to learn to cook for two and plan fun meals to enjoy as you begin your life together.
My clients also create more balance and meaning in their lives by reducing stress, having more energy, and finding time to do the things they love. I support brides in creating healthy habits including eating well, exercising, and finding time for relaxation so they will look and feel their best on their wedding day and for many decades of marriage. As my clients build their confidence, indulge in self-care, and find more joy in their lives, I am truly inspired and honored to be doing this work.
Coming up…check out the Siena Wellness Events Page for details!
  • Starting January 7th – every Tuesday, Aerial Yoga Classes at The Yoga Fusion Studio in Bethesda, MD
  • February 3-9, 2014 Winter Wellness Week: 7 days of real, delicious, home-cooked meals prepared with fresh ingredients
  • Friday, February 8th – Newbie Yoga Workshop at Balance Studio in Bethesda
  • February 11, 2014 – April 11, 2014 – Spring Into Wellness: A 60-day program where you will learn about the building blocks of healthy meals, enjoy cooking demos and food samples, set and achieve important goals for your health, and be a part of a supportive community.

Web: www.sienawellness.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/SienaWellness

Twitter: twitter.com/sienawellness


Questions?  Email me anytime –  thebrightoccasions@gmail.com –www.brightoccasions.com
Washington, DC Wedding Planner.  DC, MD, VA, DE Wedding Planner.