This past weekend, Robert Griffin III and college sweetheart Rebecca Liddicoat were married in Denver, Colorado. I know that I’m not alone wondering the big W’s — Where was the wedding, Who attended, What did they wear? No doubt it was a grand and lovely affair full of sports stars among the family and friends.
Professional photos have not been released. However, several guests posted photos through social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and many DC/Sports Bloggers and the Washington Post have reported about the wedding.

Here is what we do know, via Washington Post:
The groom: Wore a white tux, white shirt and tie.
The bride: Wore a white ballgown and her hair was half-up.
The wedding party: The men wore dark suits with hot-pink vests and ties. The bridesmaids wore short hot pink dresses. Griffin’s dad was his best man, Liddicoat’s sister her maid-of-honor. Griffin’s mom also wore hot pink.
Guests: A few hundred, including Redskins owner Dan Snyder and several others. The guest list included 14 teammates, 10 members of Redskins staff and front office (including both Mike and Kyle Shanahan) and Ken Starr, current president of Baylor and former Independent Counsel during Bill Clinton’s presidency.
The rehearsal dinner: At Coach Mike Shanahan’s Denver steakhouse, of course.
Read more here:

According to attendee Rock Newman,via Dan Steinberg of The Washington Post. The party was “the best of America, that’s how I felt. I just saw people, all ages, all ethnicities, all colors — white, black, Hispanic, Asian — really just enjoying each other.” We wish RG3 and his wife congratulations and life together full of love and laughter!
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