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Featured on Martha Stewart Weddings, Washingtonian Weddings, Engaged Magazine and many other print and online publications, Margo has become known for customizing events and adding her distinguishing style (classic elegance with a splash of color).

Wedding Cake Pop

Say goodbye to cupcakes and hello to cake pops!  The sweet bite-sized dessert comes in an array of flavors, colors, styles.  Four years ago, baker and blogger Bakerella made cute pink cake pops that became popular instantly.  Since then Bakerella has become a celebrity baker and cake pop maker and is constantly experimenting with amazing new designs such as these cute Wedding Cake cake pops:

Over the past couple of years, thanks to Bakerella, Cake Pops have become a big trend in desserts.  Naturally they are finding a perfect place in Weddings.  Consider having a Cake Pop Wedding Cake, incorporating Cake Pops into a Dessert Table or giving some out as favors.  They are a sweet and fun idea that is here to stay.

Photos: 1 and 2) Cake Pop Wedding Cakes – shaunayounge.com, 3) Dessert Table with Cake Pops – amyatlas.com, 4) Cake Pop Favors – cakepopsicles.blogspot.com

Questions?  Email me anytime –  thebrightoccasions@gmail.com – www.thebrightoccasions.com